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Orthodox Youth Festival History

The Orthodox Youth Festival is an annual gathering of young Orthodox men and women that has been running since 2005. The goal of the event is to meet like-minded young people and to grow in our Faith through community and spiritual talks given by priests, monks, nuns and sometimes laypeople. This is a list of past Festivals and their themes:

Poster 2024

Orthodox Youth Festival 2024
Philoxenia: The Love of the Stranger

Othona Community, Bradwell-on-Sea

Local saint:
Saint Peter

24 - 27 May 2024

Fr. Theodore Stanway
Pres. Catherine Maxfield
Louis Sideras

Poster design:
Artiom Barkun

Poster 2023

Orthodox Youth Festival 2023
Scripture Under an Orthodox Lens

Othona Community, Bradwell-on-Sea

Local saint:
Saint Peter

26 - 29 May 2023

Sr. Theodora
Fr. Andrew Stephen Damick
Fr. Justin Venn
Marina Carrier
Marina Robb

Poster design:
Rdr. Joachim Vesely

Poster 2022

Orthodox Youth Festival 2022
Life as Communion

Othona Community, Bradwell-on-Sea

Local saint:
Saint Peter

3 - 5 June 2022

His Eminence Archbishop Nikitas
Fr. Alexander Tefft
Archpriest Stephen Platt
Marina Robb

Poster design:
Rdr. Joachim Vesely

Poster 2021

Orthodox Youth Festival 2021
Faith, not Superstition


28 - 31 May 2021

His Eminence Archbishop Nikitas
Fr. David Somalis
Fr. John Mandu
Alexia Papalexandrakou
Fr. Seraphim Aldea
Archimandrite Peter Vryzas

Poster design:
Rdr. Joachim Vesely

Poster 2020

Orthodox Youth Festival 2020
Diakonia: Service as Prayer


7 - 10 May 2020

Fr. Stephen Platt
Sr. Magdalen
Fr. John Hookway
Anna & Emmanuel Wedlock

Poster design:
Rdr. Joachim Vesely

Poster 2019

Orthodox Youth Festival 2019
Discovering Orthodoxy Through our Saints

Othona Community, Bradwell-on-Sea

Local saint:
Saint Peter

24 - 27 May 2019

Fr. Alexander Tefft
Fr. Christophe D'Aloisio
Fr. John Hookway
Dr. Simona Ciobanu
Anna & Emmanuel Wedlock

Poster design:
Thalia Conomos
Photo from Pixabay

Poster 2018

Orthodox Youth Festival 2018
Cast the Net

St. Mark's College, Audley End

Local saint:
Saint Mark

4 - 7 May 2018

Fr. Stephen Platt
Fr. Christodoulos Christodoulou
Fr. Melchisedek
Gabriela Pipirig
Anna & Emmanuel Wedlock

Poster design:
Thalia Conomos (text layout Rdr. Joachim Vesely)
Photo by Leo Matiz

Poster 2017

Orthodox Youth Festival 2017
Smashing Your Idols

St. Mark's College, Audley End

Local saint:
Saint Mark

26 - 30 May 2017

His Eminence Metropolitan Silouan
Fr. Alexander Tefft
Sr. Vassa Larin
Fr. Philip Hall
Carsten Lorenz

Poster design:
Rdr. Joachim Vesely

Poster 2016

Orthodox Youth Festival 2016
Finding our Way in Christ

Dovedale House, Ilam

Local saint:
Saint Bertram

26 - 30 May 2016

Fr. Melchisedek
Fr. Alexander Tefft
Mother Sarah
Fr. Seraphim Aldea
Fr. Dyonisios Higgs

Poster design:
Rdr. Joachim Vesely

Poster 2015

Orthodox Youth Festival 2015
Mission in the Modern Age

Dovedale House, Ilam

Local saint:
Saint Bertram

30 April - 4 May 2015

Fr. John Behr
Fr. Ioan Nazarcu
Sr. Magdalene
Fr. Philip Hall

Poster design:
Rdr. Joachim Vesely

Poster 2014

Orthodox Youth Festival 2014
Fasts, Feasts, and the Joy of the Resurrection

Dovedale House, Ilam

Local saint:
Saint Bertram

29 May - 1 June 2014

Fr. Andreas Andreopoulos
Fr. Christopher Neill
Fr. Philip Hall

Poster 2013

Orthodox Youth Festival 2013
Seeing Christ in Others

Dovedale House, Ilam

Local saint:
Saint Bertram

8 - 11 March 2013

Fr. Stephen Platt
Fr. Kirill and Fr. Methody from Russia
Fr. Philip Hall

Poster 2012

Orthodox Youth Festival 2012
God's Providence and the Choices we Make

Dovedale House, Ilam

Local saint:
Saint Bertram

1 - 5 June 2012

His Eminence Metropolitan Kallistos Ware
Fr. Alexander Tefft
Fr. Nikolai Sakharov
Fr. Timothy Curtis
Fr. Stephen Platt
Female panel with Katerina, Danae Conomos, Frances Jennings, Vasilia, Marina, and Sr. Silouani

Orthodox Youth Festival 2011
Made in the Image of God

Location: Dovedale House, Ilam
Local saint: Saint Bertram
Date: 29 April – 2 May 2011
Speakers: His Eminence Metropolitan Kallistos Ware, Fr. Stephen Platt, Fr. Melchisedek, Fr. Gregory Hallam, Fr. Timothy Curtis, Dimitri Conomos

Orthodox Youth Festival 2010
Why are the Fathers Still Relevant Today?

Location: Dovedale House, Ilam
Local saint: Saint Bertram
Date: 30 April - 3 May 2010

Orthodox Youth Festival 2009
Personhood: Living Orthodoxy in the Modern World

Location: Dovedale House, Ilam
Local saint: Saint Bertram
Date: May 2009

Orthodox Youth Festival 2008
Freedom to Become

Location: Dovedale House, Ilam
Local saint: Saint Bertram
Date: March 2008

Orthodox Youth Festival 2007
Friendship and Orthodox Christianity

Location: Dovedale House, Ilam
Local saint: Saint Bertram
Date: May 2007

Orthodox Youth Festival 2006
“I will praise the Lord as long as I live” (Psalm 103)

Location: Dovedale House, Ilam
Local saint: Saint Bertram

Orthodox Youth Festival 2005
Priesthood and Service in the Church

Location: Dovedale House, Ilam
Local saint: Saint Bertram

If you attended one of the older festivals and you remeber any of the details we are missing, the dates or speakers, or have a copy of any of the absent Festival posters, please do let us know and we will happily update the listings.


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